Skin Relief Cream - Clarifying Treatment for Troubled Skin

Skin Relief Cream - Clarifying Treatment for Troubled Skin


Regular priceRs 735.00
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A Unique Complex of Dead Sea Minerals, Botanicals & Vitamins A, E, F, H, B5, B8 Refines and Restores

By applying advanced technology, we have successfully combined Dead Sea mud, salts and minerals with vitamins and natural plant essences, creating a special complex for problematic skin in need of special care.

Ingredients to keep your complexion healthier and revitalized: Plant essences - Horse Chestnut, Plantago, Aloe Vera and Green Tea Hippophae Oil - valued since ancient Greek times; nourishes the skin preventing inflammation and tenderness. Vitamin A - stimulates the production of new cells and prevents dehydration Vitamin F - prevents dry, flaky skin Vitamin E - stimulates subcutaneous blood flow; an antioxidant Vitamin H - + Vitamin B series counteracts infection and inflammation

Active ingredients:

  • Horse Chestnut extract - has potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties
  • Aloe Vera - Improves the healing process of the skin, helps improve the appearance of acne-prone skins, provides vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids, makes refreshing effect, enhances the appearance of dry or damaged skin by reducing flaking and restoring suppleness
  • Green tea extract – has an anti aging properties preventing free radical damage, stimulates skin, positively influence the health of the skin
  • Oblipiha oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, stimulates the formation of new cells and skin´s metabolic processes
  • Dead Sea Minerals - contain essential minerals for the skin, reduce wrinkles, reduce inflammation in atopic dry skin, improves skin barrier function and enhance skin hydration, slow skin aging balances, skin moisturizer, vital in assisting cells to absorbed nourishment, reduces skin impurities, helps treat acne, help to regulate acell growth and regeneration, stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis
  • Provitamin B5 - lubricant on the skin surface, which gives the skin a soft and smooth appearance, soothing agent and moisturizer. It helps the skin to attract water and then hold onto it
  • Plantago Lanceolata Leaf Extract - reduces irritation and inflammation; has astringent and antioxidant properties and supports the skin´s natural healing processes
  • Vitamin A - an antioxidant, has anti-aging properties, helps keeping skin firm and smooth
  • Vitamin H, B8 - treats dry, stressed and sensitive skin, supports the skin in rebuilding and maintaining its natural healthy structure and functionality
  • Vitamin B7 - nourishes the skin; assists in the production of new cells and helps oil glands function properly

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